Salesforce Licensing, Permitting, & Inspections | LPI
Modern, efficient management of LPI with intuitive automation.
AST’s solutions, built on the extensible Salesforce platform, provide streamlined, modern, and efficient means for state and local government agencies to automate licensing, permitting, and inspections processes.
AST’s unparalleled expertise in delivering modern government solutions for nearly three decades ensures accelerated time-to-value and intuitive automation for citizens and government employees, all in a partnership you can trust.
Streamline your inspections management processes from days to a matter of seconds and ensure compliance requirements are fully met.
AST solutions can help government agencies through the five stages of any constituent-government interaction journey:
Key issues and challenges faced by citizens and public officials include:
Learn more about how AST helps citizens and public officials overcome these key challenges.
AST solutions remove bureaucratic red tape by increasing collaboration across government departments and breaking up silos of data. The solutions provide the public with an easy-to-use web portal where they can find the right information at the right time. Using the web portal, prospective business owners and applicants can easily understand the various processes involved and track the status of their licenses and permits, inspection results, and enforcement actions.
Combines the business registration requirements of multiple agencies into one single-sign-on application.
Breaks down silos to collect and automatically share relevant data across agencies.
Allows users to manage all interactions and access data through an individualized dashboard.
Provides timely notifications to customers when they need to perform periodic compliance reporting.